Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sock It Questionnaire~ April

1) What are your favorite Harry Potter Book Hogwarts House colors?
Gryffindor ~ Scarlet and Gold
Hufflepuff ~ Yellow and Black
Ravenclaw ~ Blue and Bronze
Slytherin ~ Green and Silver

I think my favorite colors would be Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

2) Are you going to knit your socks in your favorite house colors, the colors that from the house that you were "sorted" into by a website, or some mismatched (funky) Dobby socks or something else entirely and if so what??

HELP! I have NO idea what I want to do AT ALL!! sigh....

3) Do you have a favorite character and why?

I don't have a fav, sometimes I think I do but the books wouldn't be the books without all the characters...or at least that is what I keep telling

4) Who is your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?

Oh wow, I just forgot his name...I'm not sure he is my fav (read previous answer) but he's the werewolf one that taught Defense Against the Dark Arts... I mean, he taught HP to do a protronus (sp?) charm...Seriously, bring it on, I wanna learn one to, I'm positive I've had a few dementers in my life that just sucked the joy out of it... ;c) LOL

5) What was your favorite Harry Potter Book?

This is hard only because I need to go over the last two again, but for the longest time it was The prisoner of Az... I'll have to get back to you after re-reading the last two

6) Do you have a favorite scene from one of the books?

I liked the scene in the screeching shack when Harry found out he had a Godfather that was innocent and that there was someone out their that loved him and wanted him...

7) What do you think is the funniest scene in one of the books?

When the twins leave school..I'm not sure if that was the funniest, but I sure was hootin' and hollerin' for them to get on with there bad selves!! lol

8) How about a scene that made you cry?

OMGosh, for sure when Dumbledor died, I cried like a sissy girl (meant in a sweet way), however its not coming to me but there were a few other time I got "teary"

9) Was there a scene that just cranked your needles? A scene that just made you mad?

yea, ANY scene with the frog know the one that made Harry write all those lines that would dig into his skin...ohh she burned more than a set of needles, I think its a good thing I read that book before I was seriously knitting and didn't have wood or bamboo in my hand, they for sure would have snapped...I can feel my blood pressure rising even now thinking of

10) Have you watched the movies and read the books? or just one and or the other, and if so which ones?

Both, and we have the first 4 books on tape (we used the during the drive when we moved from Michigan back to my home state of Alaska, and than listened to them when we moved from Alaska to SC) and we have the 5th on disk which my fiance listened to on the drive to SC since he was not able to read the book before we moved.. Of course the books are better than the movies, but they didn't do to bad on the movies.

11) Have you or do you have any plans to knit anything else "themed" Harry Potter?

I wouldn't mind a scarf, but we'll see if I can get to it...I don't knit very fast..

12) Anything else you would like to tell about yourself, about the books, or about your knitting, bring it on! :c)

I'm a left handed knitter, as in I knit my stitches from my right needle onto my left. I don't function well at all if its anything to do with my right I've only been knitting socks since Jan and I'm not a fast knitter. I feel a bit deprived as I haven't branched out like others yet using Circs for socks, I kind of like my DPN's but have recently been feeling the urge to learn cuff down on Circs so that IS in my future. I also decided to go back to college this past year and just finished my first I just have 3 more and hopefully I will become an RN, if I survive school itself, and our own children being in school, and of course I'm hoping I will not be spending my last 2 years going to school with our oldest daughter...that seems a bit

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